Cancellation Policy

  • Order can be cancelled or replaced as long as it is not yet shipped or shipping legal documents have been finalized. Once Shipped or shipping documents have been finalized order cannot be cancelled or replaced.
  • If not yet shipped or shipping documents have not yet been finalized, goods replacement can be accommodated as long as those goods are available in stock.

Return Policy

Occasionally, a part may need to be returned for the following reasons:

The wrong product was sent by the merchant.
The product is defective.
The product was damaged in shipping.
The product is tampered.

In those cases, we are happy to accommodate customer’s request. Conditions apply to return these parts:

1. All parts returns must be accompanied by a proof of purchase from the eshop, a picture of the part and a brief description about the reason of return must be sent to

2. Parts under $20.00 are not returnable.

3. Any part that has been removed after being tampered with, installed or is pitted, rusted, or corroded, causing it to be unacceptable as a new part, is not returnable.

4. Parts must be returned within 30 days of purchase.

5. Parts returned after 30 days are not returnable.

6. Once a part has been returned, a credit note will be issued to reverse the payment done.

7. Purchases by cash or check refunded by check.

8. Credit Card purchases will be credited back to the same card used for purchase